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...noch mehr Dalmatiner is a Dingo Pictures movie that was released in 2000. It's a sequel to Auf der Suche nach den Dalmatinern.


The three small Dalmatians lived with an old lady in a little town. One day they heard about, that a neighbor bought hearts made of gingerbread at the market. "Gingerbread!” Krümel beamed with joy. "Our old lady loves gingerbread!” "Me too", said Tüpfelchen. "We go to the market and get a heart of gingerbread there”, suggested Krümel, "that would be a nice birthday-present for our old lady." But the marketer has had no understanding for three small Dalmatians, which took some pieces of his gingerbread. He called the police and let the dogs bring into an animal shelter. Only Tüpfelchen could escape and she decided to free her friends.



See also: ...noch mehr Dalmatiner/Credits



  • The voice track on the English, French, and Dutch dubs is distorted. This is especially apparent when a character is talking loudly. In addition, the German voice track can be heard faintly on the former two dubs.
  • In at least the English dub, the dog biscuits are referred to as cake. This is due to the German word for dog biscuits, "hundekuchen", having the German word for cake, "kuchen", in it.


See ...noch mehr Dalmatiner/Screenshots


See ...noch mehr Dalmatiner/Releases

